How to Play Gridiron Golf
Football + Golf: Four Downs, Four Quarters, Best Score Wins
Set up
Gridiron Golf is a football-themed golf putting game, played over four quarters (turns), similar to a football game. Each player gets up to 4 shots per turn. Roll out the putting mat, and place the backboard IN one of the end zones. Set up the balls in the opposite end zone, toss a coin, and get playing.
Starting the Game:
Player 1 starts by shooting from the end zone, aiming at the 6-point (Touchdown) hole. If Player 1 makes this shot within the first 3 shots, he can attempt an extra point or 2-point conversion by shooting at the respective holes. For an extra point, place the ball on the 20-yard line. - For a 2-point conversion, place the ball on the 40-yard line. See below for optional add on rules of play for the field goal and -6INT.
Turn Completion:
If a player scores a touchdown (TD) on or before the 4th “down,” he then attempts the extra point or 2-point conversion, and his turn ends, even if he has shots remaining. Player 2 then takes possession.
The player with the most points at the end of the 4th quarter or OT wins the game.
Ways To Kick It Up A Notch
Want to make the game a little more difficult? include the rules below in your gameplay.
Interception Shot:
Once per half, the opposing player can interrupt the shooting player with an “interception shot” by aiming at the -6 INT hole. If successful, 6 points are removed from your opponents score. If missed, the interceptor loses a shot in his next series. Each player has one interception shot per half, usable anytime during the opposing player’s turn.
Field Goals:
Balls can remain in play during a player’s turn. On the 4th down, if a player does not want to attempt a TD, he can use his best ball to shoot at the 3-point FG hole. A strategic “ricochet” shot can be used to place a ball close to the 3-point hole for an easy FG shot. If a ball hits another ball in play and knocks it through the TD or FG hole, it counts for the points and ends the player’s turn (with an extra point or 2-point attempt after a TD).
Out of Bounds:
If a ball goes off the “mat,” it is out of bounds and ineligible for a FG shot.
Overtime follows the standard NFL format.
How Do I Keep Score?
Similar to other outdoor games like cornhole or canjam, you and your opponent will be in charge of keeping track of your scores.
Have an idea for your own rules?
Figure out a fun way to play? Tag us on IG @gridirongolf_game or FB Gridiron Golf Game, and we may share the way you play for others to see!